Our Guides
“Hunting is a journey to be enjoyed…It’s the love of nature,
appreciation for good dog work and sharing your passion with others.
It all comes together at The Webb Farm.

Wade MeachAm
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Wade’s reverence for nature and its abounding beauty were instilled in him at an early age through the teachings of his father, a preacher at Mt. Pleasant Church – little white chapel that still stands today at the edge of the property. Parishioner Robert Frost, was another great influencer on Wade’s life…and his poetic stories!

Michael Hobbs
Dog trainer, trials judge and former LPGA Golf Caddy may seem like an unlikely combination for a hunting guide but it is exactly these experiences that have made Michael a go-to…
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guide at the farm for over ten years. As with many expert guides, hunting has been a life long passion which goes hand-in-hand with dog training. It’s Michael’s time “carrying a bag” for some of the top golfers on the LPGA circuit that gave him the insight and wisdom putting him at the top of the game. “Guiding is a lot like caddying…you are there to direct, support and cheer in each hunter’s success”.

Paul Kiker
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"Chip" Burgess
Chip’s fondest memories revolve around the Thanksgiving Day hunt. “Before my first hunt I was completely obsessed with being able to join my Grandad and dad.”Chip recalls…
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Ty Wilson
Born and raised in Tennessee Ty is at home in the water as much as he is on the land. He is the qunitesential outdoorsman. Like breathing, being outdoors just comes naturally to him. ..
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Marshall Davis
Marshall’s path to guiding was a little unusual. As a retired teacher, he came to the farm looking for his next chapter in life. When you find out about Marshall’s life-long hobbies,…
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you know that his skill lies in the Art of the Hunt. He expresses his love of the outdoors and passion for animals through his artistry; capturing vivid scenes on the farm and memorializing them on canvas or creating lifelike vignettes through his taxidermy mounts. But to understand his exceptional guiding skill you need only to see his relationship with Alice…a year-old red tail hawk and his newest hunting companion. Capturing, training and hunting with hawks requires a deep passion for and understanding of the sport.

Andrew 'Drew' Mick
Since retiring from the military where Drew served as both an Army Ranger and Special Forces Green Beret, he’s been able to live a life he loves in the great outdoors. After the service, …
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Living the sporting life is a true, year-round, family tradition for Drew Mick. His winter passion is hunting and guiding for upland birds and in the summer, he can regularly be found fly fishing on the South Holston River in Tennessee or on the rivers in Montana.
Meet a few of Our Dogs
“A hunter’s most loyal and enthuastic friend in the field is his gun dog.”